Methods: I assembled the different samples with Flye and obtained for all of them 2 chromosomes. I rearranged the assembled and reference genomes making them starting from DNA A using Circlator fixstart. I then compared the fixed assembly to the fixed reference and extracted the SNPs using MUMMER. Mummerplot was used to plot the genomic alignments. Finally, I annotate the variations using snpEff on a custom database made by retrieving the info for your reference. The samples are named CRG1 to CRG6. Here are the descriptions of the files: CRG*.fna -> genome assembly CRG*.bam -> genome alignment CRG*.bai -> genome alignment index GCF_000698325.1_ASM69832v1_genomic_fix.fna, GCF_000698325.1_ASM69832v1_genomic_fix.fna.fai -> reference genome and index GCF_000698325.1_ASM69832v1_genomic_fix.gff.gz -> reference annotation anno folder -> CRG*.ann.vcf.gz -> annotated variants CRG*.snpEff_summary.html -> HTML reports CRG*.snpEff_summary.csv -> CSV reports CRG*.snpEff_summary.genes.txt -> summary of affected genes pdfs folder -> CRG*_plot.pdf -> plot with genomic alignments of assembly vs reference. Consider that they are linearized but are actually circular. You can upload the reference, the bam files and the vcf to IGV for checking. phastest folder -> output of the phastest tool for detecting the putative prophage genome. Some pictures in png shows the genomic context.