Started job on | May 11 12:33:25 Started mapping on | May 11 12:36:30 Finished on | May 11 13:43:18 Mapping speed, Million of reads per hour | 42.30 Number of input reads | 47092374 Average input read length | 202 UNIQUE READS: Uniquely mapped reads number | 43572518 Uniquely mapped reads % | 92.53% Average mapped length | 201.57 Number of splices: Total | 24751641 Number of splices: Annotated (sjdb) | 24503616 Number of splices: GT/AG | 24490068 Number of splices: GC/AG | 208752 Number of splices: AT/AC | 25754 Number of splices: Non-canonical | 27067 Mismatch rate per base, % | 0.13% Deletion rate per base | 0.00% Deletion average length | 1.46 Insertion rate per base | 0.00% Insertion average length | 1.20 MULTI-MAPPING READS: Number of reads mapped to multiple loci | 2858193 % of reads mapped to multiple loci | 6.07% Number of reads mapped to too many loci | 91333 % of reads mapped to too many loci | 0.19% UNMAPPED READS: % of reads unmapped: too many mismatches | 0.00% % of reads unmapped: too short | 1.04% % of reads unmapped: other | 0.17% CHIMERIC READS: Number of chimeric reads | 0 % of chimeric reads | 0.00%