Settings: Output files: "/no_backup/ldicroce/eblanco/molbio/02_map_files/mm10/RNA_114K8_08597/tmp/segment_juncs.*.ebwt" Line rate: 6 (line is 64 bytes) Lines per side: 1 (side is 64 bytes) Offset rate: 5 (one in 32) FTable chars: 10 Strings: unpacked Max bucket size: default Max bucket size, sqrt multiplier: default Max bucket size, len divisor: 4 Difference-cover sample period: 1024 Endianness: little Actual local endianness: little Sanity checking: disabled Assertions: disabled Random seed: 0 Sizeofs: void*:8, int:4, long:8, size_t:8 Input files DNA, FASTA: /no_backup/ldicroce/eblanco/molbio/02_map_files/mm10/RNA_114K8_08597/tmp/segment_juncs.fa Reading reference sizes Time reading reference sizes: 00:00:00 Calculating joined length Writing header Reserving space for joined string Joining reference sequences Time to join reference sequences: 00:00:01 bmax according to bmaxDivN setting: 2832037 Using parameters --bmax 2124028 --dcv 1024 Doing ahead-of-time memory usage test Passed! Constructing with these parameters: --bmax 2124028 --dcv 1024 Constructing suffix-array element generator Building DifferenceCoverSample Building sPrime Building sPrimeOrder V-Sorting samples V-Sorting samples time: 00:00:00 Allocating rank array Ranking v-sort output Ranking v-sort output time: 00:00:00 Invoking Larsson-Sadakane on ranks Invoking Larsson-Sadakane on ranks time: 00:00:00 Sanity-checking and returning Building samples Reserving space for 12 sample suffixes Generating random suffixes QSorting 12 sample offsets, eliminating duplicates QSorting sample offsets, eliminating duplicates time: 00:00:00 Multikey QSorting 12 samples (Using difference cover) Multikey QSorting samples time: 00:00:00 Calculating bucket sizes Binary sorting into buckets 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Binary sorting into buckets time: 00:00:00 Splitting and merging Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00 Split 2, merged 6; iterating... Binary sorting into buckets 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Binary sorting into buckets time: 00:00:01 Splitting and merging Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00 Avg bucket size: 1.61831e+06 (target: 2124027) Converting suffix-array elements to index image Allocating ftab, absorbFtab Entering Ebwt loop Getting block 1 of 7 Reserving size (2124028) for bucket Calculating Z arrays Calculating Z arrays time: 00:00:00 Entering block accumulator loop: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Block accumulator loop time: 00:00:00 Sorting block of length 1572592 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 1572593 Getting block 2 of 7 Reserving size (2124028) for bucket Calculating Z arrays Calculating Z arrays time: 00:00:00 Entering block accumulator loop: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Block accumulator loop time: 00:00:00 Sorting block of length 1255465 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:01 Returning block of 1255466 Getting block 3 of 7 Reserving size (2124028) for bucket Calculating Z arrays Calculating Z arrays time: 00:00:00 Entering block accumulator loop: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Block accumulator loop time: 00:00:00 Sorting block of length 2010282 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 2010283 Getting block 4 of 7 Reserving size (2124028) for bucket Calculating Z arrays Calculating Z arrays time: 00:00:00 Entering block accumulator loop: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Block accumulator loop time: 00:00:00 Sorting block of length 2001451 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:01 Returning block of 2001452 Getting block 5 of 7 Reserving size (2124028) for bucket Calculating Z arrays Calculating Z arrays time: 00:00:00 Entering block accumulator loop: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Block accumulator loop time: 00:00:00 Sorting block of length 1934722 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 1934723 Getting block 6 of 7 Reserving size (2124028) for bucket Calculating Z arrays Calculating Z arrays time: 00:00:00 Entering block accumulator loop: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Block accumulator loop time: 00:00:00 Sorting block of length 1100982 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:01 Returning block of 1100983 Getting block 7 of 7 Reserving size (2124028) for bucket Calculating Z arrays Calculating Z arrays time: 00:00:00 Entering block accumulator loop: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Block accumulator loop time: 00:00:00 Sorting block of length 1452650 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 1452651 Exited Ebwt loop fchr[A]: 0 fchr[C]: 2813384 fchr[G]: 5660522 fchr[T]: 8510200 fchr[$]: 11328150 Exiting Ebwt::buildToDisk() Returning from initFromVector Wrote 22721696 bytes to primary EBWT file: /no_backup/ldicroce/eblanco/molbio/02_map_files/mm10/RNA_114K8_08597/tmp/segment_juncs.1.ebwt Wrote 1416024 bytes to secondary EBWT file: /no_backup/ldicroce/eblanco/molbio/02_map_files/mm10/RNA_114K8_08597/tmp/segment_juncs.2.ebwt Re-opening _in1 and _in2 as input streams Returning from Ebwt constructor Headers: len: 11328150 bwtLen: 11328151 sz: 2832038 bwtSz: 2832038 lineRate: 6 linesPerSide: 1 offRate: 5 offMask: 0xffffffe0 isaRate: -1 isaMask: 0xffffffff ftabChars: 10 eftabLen: 20 eftabSz: 80 ftabLen: 1048577 ftabSz: 4194308 offsLen: 354005 offsSz: 1416020 isaLen: 0 isaSz: 0 lineSz: 64 sideSz: 64 sideBwtSz: 56 sideBwtLen: 224 numSidePairs: 25287 numSides: 50574 numLines: 50574 ebwtTotLen: 3236736 ebwtTotSz: 3236736 reverse: 0 Total time for call to driver() for forward index: 00:00:06 Reading reference sizes Time reading reference sizes: 00:00:00 Calculating joined length Writing header Reserving space for joined string Joining reference sequences Time to join reference sequences: 00:00:00 bmax according to bmaxDivN setting: 2832037 Using parameters --bmax 2124028 --dcv 1024 Doing ahead-of-time memory usage test Passed! Constructing with these parameters: --bmax 2124028 --dcv 1024 Constructing suffix-array element generator Building DifferenceCoverSample Building sPrime Building sPrimeOrder V-Sorting samples V-Sorting samples time: 00:00:00 Allocating rank array Ranking v-sort output Ranking v-sort output time: 00:00:00 Invoking Larsson-Sadakane on ranks Invoking Larsson-Sadakane on ranks time: 00:00:00 Sanity-checking and returning Building samples Reserving space for 12 sample suffixes Generating random suffixes QSorting 12 sample offsets, eliminating duplicates QSorting sample offsets, eliminating duplicates time: 00:00:00 Multikey QSorting 12 samples (Using difference cover) Multikey QSorting samples time: 00:00:00 Calculating bucket sizes Binary sorting into buckets 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Binary sorting into buckets time: 00:00:01 Splitting and merging Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00 Split 2, merged 6; iterating... Binary sorting into buckets 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Binary sorting into buckets time: 00:00:00 Splitting and merging Splitting and merging time: 00:00:00 Avg bucket size: 1.41602e+06 (target: 2124027) Converting suffix-array elements to index image Allocating ftab, absorbFtab Entering Ebwt loop Getting block 1 of 8 Reserving size (2124028) for bucket Calculating Z arrays Calculating Z arrays time: 00:00:00 Entering block accumulator loop: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Block accumulator loop time: 00:00:00 Sorting block of length 1927336 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:01 Returning block of 1927337 Getting block 2 of 8 Reserving size (2124028) for bucket Calculating Z arrays Calculating Z arrays time: 00:00:00 Entering block accumulator loop: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Block accumulator loop time: 00:00:00 Sorting block of length 730295 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 730296 Getting block 3 of 8 Reserving size (2124028) for bucket Calculating Z arrays Calculating Z arrays time: 00:00:00 Entering block accumulator loop: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Block accumulator loop time: 00:00:00 Sorting block of length 1859507 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 1859508 Getting block 4 of 8 Reserving size (2124028) for bucket Calculating Z arrays Calculating Z arrays time: 00:00:00 Entering block accumulator loop: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Block accumulator loop time: 00:00:00 Sorting block of length 1722992 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 1722993 Getting block 5 of 8 Reserving size (2124028) for bucket Calculating Z arrays Calculating Z arrays time: 00:00:00 Entering block accumulator loop: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Block accumulator loop time: 00:00:00 Sorting block of length 1150142 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 1150143 Getting block 6 of 8 Reserving size (2124028) for bucket Calculating Z arrays Calculating Z arrays time: 00:00:00 Entering block accumulator loop: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Block accumulator loop time: 00:00:00 Sorting block of length 1476678 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 1476679 Getting block 7 of 8 Reserving size (2124028) for bucket Calculating Z arrays Calculating Z arrays time: 00:00:00 Entering block accumulator loop: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Block accumulator loop time: 00:00:00 Sorting block of length 1928728 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:01 Returning block of 1928729 Getting block 8 of 8 Reserving size (2124028) for bucket Calculating Z arrays Calculating Z arrays time: 00:00:00 Entering block accumulator loop: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Block accumulator loop time: 00:00:00 Sorting block of length 532465 (Using difference cover) Sorting block time: 00:00:00 Returning block of 532466 Exited Ebwt loop fchr[A]: 0 fchr[C]: 2813384 fchr[G]: 5660522 fchr[T]: 8510200 fchr[$]: 11328150 Exiting Ebwt::buildToDisk() Returning from initFromVector Wrote 22721696 bytes to primary EBWT file: /no_backup/ldicroce/eblanco/molbio/02_map_files/mm10/RNA_114K8_08597/tmp/segment_juncs.rev.1.ebwt Wrote 1416024 bytes to secondary EBWT file: /no_backup/ldicroce/eblanco/molbio/02_map_files/mm10/RNA_114K8_08597/tmp/segment_juncs.rev.2.ebwt Re-opening _in1 and _in2 as input streams Returning from Ebwt constructor Headers: len: 11328150 bwtLen: 11328151 sz: 2832038 bwtSz: 2832038 lineRate: 6 linesPerSide: 1 offRate: 5 offMask: 0xffffffe0 isaRate: -1 isaMask: 0xffffffff ftabChars: 10 eftabLen: 20 eftabSz: 80 ftabLen: 1048577 ftabSz: 4194308 offsLen: 354005 offsSz: 1416020 isaLen: 0 isaSz: 0 lineSz: 64 sideSz: 64 sideBwtSz: 56 sideBwtLen: 224 numSidePairs: 25287 numSides: 50574 numLines: 50574 ebwtTotLen: 3236736 ebwtTotSz: 3236736 reverse: 0 Total time for backward call to driver() for mirror index: 00:00:06