rule sortIndexGenome: input: config["GENOMESDIR"] +"{genome}.fa" output: sorted=config["GENOMESDIR"] +"{genome}.sorted.fa", bioperlindex=config["GENOMESDIR"] +"{genome}.sorted.fa.index" conda: "envs/perl_env.yml" shell: ''' uuid=$(uuidgen) #check for duplicate sequences: count=$(cat {input} | fgrep ">" | sort|uniq -d | wc -l) if [ $count -gt 0 ]; then echo "$count duplicate sequence IDs found"; exit 1; fi FastaToTbl {input} | sort -T {TMPDIR} -k1,1 | TblToFasta > {TMPDIR}/$uuid mv {TMPDIR}/$uuid {output.sorted} perl -e 'use Bio::DB::Fasta; my $chrdb = Bio::DB::Fasta->new("{output.sorted}");' ''' rule makeGenomeFile: input: config["GENOMESDIR"] +"{genome}.sorted.fa" output: config["GENOMESDIR"] +"{genome}.sorted.genome" shell: ''' uuid=$(uuidgen) FastaToTbl {input} | awk '{{print $1"\\t"length($2)}}' | sort -k1,1 > {TMPDIR}/$uuid mv {TMPDIR}/$uuid {output} ''' rule makeGencodePartition: input: gtf=lambda wildcards: GENOMETOANNOTGTF[CAPDESIGNTOGENOME[wildcards.capDesign]], genome = lambda wildcards: config["GENOMESDIR"] + CAPDESIGNTOGENOME[wildcards.capDesign] + ".sorted.genome" conda: "envs/xtools_env.yml" output: "output/annotations/{capDesign}.partition.gff" shell: ''' {input.gtf} {input.genome} | sortgff > {output} # QC: genomeSize=$(cat {input.genome} | cut -f2| testSize=$(cat {output} | awk '{{print ($5-$4)+1}}' | if [ $testSize -ne $genomeSize ]; then echoerr "ERROR: sum of feature sizes in output gff is not equal to genome size. The output is probably bogus." exit 1 fi ''' rule makeSirvGff: input: lambda wildcards: GENOMETOANNOTGTF[CAPDESIGNTOGENOME[wildcards.capDesign]] output: "output/annotations/{capDesign}.SIRVs.gff" shell: ''' cat {input} | awk '$1 ~ /SIRV/' | sortgff > {output} ''' rule makeGencodeBed: input: lambda wildcards: GENOMETOANNOTGTF[CAPDESIGNTOGENOME[wildcards.capDesign]] output: "output/annotations/{capDesign}.bed" shell: ''' cat {input} | - |sortbed > {output} ''' rule simplifyGencode: input: lambda wildcards: GENOMETOANNOTGTF[CAPDESIGNTOGENOME[wildcards.capDesign]] output: "output/annotations/simplified/{capDesign}.gencode.simplified_biotypes.gtf" shell: ''' uuidTmpOut=$(uuidgen) cat {input} | - | sort -T {TMPDIR} -k1,1 -k4,4n -k5,5n > {TMPDIR}/$uuidTmpOut mv {TMPDIR}/$uuidTmpOut {output} ''' rule collapseGencode: input: "output/annotations/simplified/{capDesign}.gencode.simplified_biotypes.gtf" output: "output/annotations/simplified/{capDesign}.gencode.collapsed.simplified_biotypes.gtf" threads:1 conda: "envs/xtools_env.yml" shell: ''' uuid=$(uuidgen) uuidTmpOut=$(uuidgen) cat {input} | skipcomments | sort -T {TMPDIR} -k1,1 -k4,4n -k5,5n | tmerge --exonOverhangTolerance {ExonOverhangTolerance} - |sort -T {TMPDIR} -k1,1 -k4,4n -k5,5n > {TMPDIR}/$uuid uuidL=$(uuidgen) bedtools intersect -s -wao -a {TMPDIR}/$uuid -b {TMPDIR}/$uuid | - |sort -T {TMPDIR} -k1,1 -k4,4n -k5,5n > {TMPDIR}/$uuidL {input} {TMPDIR}/$uuidL | sort -T {TMPDIR} -k1,1 -k4,4n -k5,5n > {TMPDIR}/$uuidTmpOut mv {TMPDIR}/$uuidTmpOut {output} '''