use strict; use warnings; use Pod::Usage; my $message_text = "Error\n"; my $exit_status = 2; ## The exit status to use my $verbose_level = 99; ## The verbose level to use my $filehandle = \*STDERR; ## The filehandle to write to my $sections = "NAME|SYNOPSIS|DESCRIPTION"; =head1 NAME gffToHash =head1 SYNOPSIS Converts a GFF file to a multi-dimensional hash. B: C<< %gffHash = gffToHash(, '', , '') >> =head2 ARGUMENTS =over =item B: () Path to GFF file. =item B: () GFF attribute (9th field) to index the hash on. =item B: (). If set to 1, each GFF record will contain the entire corresponding (as input, chomp'ed) GFF line in the last element of its array. =item B: (, optional). If set, only features (I 'exon') will be considered in the input. =back =head2 DESCRIPTION This perl module takes a GFF file as input and returns a multidimensional hash indexed by B<> identifier (I the values of the "transcript_id" attribute). For each given gff_attribute identifier, all corresponding records (filtered using the optional B<> argument) are listed within a features array. Each element of the features array contains the actual GFF fields sorted in GFF order. The 9th field is itself arranged as a hash. =head1 OUTPUT This perl code (using a GENCODE GTF excerpt named "test.gtf" as input): C<< use Data::Dumper; >> C<< my %gffHash=gffToHash("test.gtf", 'transcript_id', 0, 'exon'); >> C<< print Dumper \%gffHash; >> will produce the following output: $VAR1 = { 'ENSTR0000509780.2' => [ [ 'chrY', 'HAVANA', 'exon', '1627746', '1628033', '.', '+', '.', { 'gene_id' => 'ENSGR0000196433.8', 'transcript_type' => 'processed_transcript', 'transcript_name' => 'ASMT-005', 'gene_status' => 'KNOWN', 'gene_type' => 'protein_coding', 'exon_number' => '1', 'level' => '2', 'havana_transcript' => 'OTTHUMT00000471622.1', 'havana_gene' => 'OTTHUMG00000021065.2', 'tag' => 'PAR', 'exon_id' => 'ENSE00002031459.1', 'transcript_status' => 'KNOWN', 'transcript_id' => 'ENSTR0000509780.2', 'gene_name' => 'ASMT' } ], [ 'chrY', 'HAVANA', 'exon', '1636242', '1636463', '.', '+', '.', { 'gene_id' => 'ENSGR0000196433.8', 'transcript_type' => 'processed_transcript', 'transcript_name' => 'ASMT-005', 'gene_status' => 'KNOWN', 'gene_type' => 'protein_coding', 'exon_number' => '2', 'level' => '2', 'havana_transcript' => 'OTTHUMT00000471622.1', 'havana_gene' => 'OTTHUMG00000021065.2', 'tag' => 'PAR', 'exon_id' => 'ENSE00002022546.1', 'transcript_status' => 'KNOWN', 'transcript_id' => 'ENSTR0000509780.2', 'gene_name' => 'ASMT' } ] ] }; =head1 DEPENDENCIES None =head1 AUTHOR Julien Lagarde, CRG, Barcelona, contact =cut sub gffToHash{ if ($#_<1 || $_[0] eq '' || $_[1] eq ''){ die "gffToHash: Wrong number of arguments"; } my $keepWholeRecordInLastArrayElement=0; if (exists $_[2]){ $keepWholeRecordInLastArrayElement=$_[2]; } my $onlyGffRecords=undef; if (exists $_[3]){ $onlyGffRecords=$_[3]; } open GFF, "$_[0]" or die $!; my %gff=(); my $identifyingElementId=$_[1]; # key used to uniquely identify gff records (e.g. exon_id or transcript_id attribute). while (){ next if ($_=~/^#/); chomp; my $untouchedLine=$_; my $line=$untouchedLine; $line=~s/\"//g; $line=~s/;//g; my @line=split("\t", $line); die "Malformed line at line $. . This doesn't look like a proper 9-field GFF record, dying.\n" unless ($#line==8); if(defined $onlyGffRecords){ next unless ($line[2] eq $onlyGffRecords) } my $elementId=undef; if($line=~/$identifyingElementId (\S+)/){ $elementId=$1; } else{ warn "Line $. skipped (contains no '$identifyingElementId' attribute.\n"; next; } my @attrs=split(" ", pop(@line)); die "Odd number of subfields in 9th field of line $.. Dying.\n" unless ($#attrs%2==1); push (@{$gff{$elementId}}, \@line); for (my $i=0; $i<=$#attrs;$i=$i+2){ ${${$gff{$elementId}}[$#{$gff{$elementId}}]}[8]{$attrs[$i]}=$attrs[$i+1]; } if($keepWholeRecordInLastArrayElement ==1){ push (@{$gff{$elementId}[$#{$gff{$elementId}}]}, $untouchedLine); } } close GFF; return %gff; } 1;