use strict; use warnings; use Pod::Usage; my $message_text = "Error\n"; my $exit_status = 2; ## The exit status to use my $verbose_level = 99; ## The verbose level to use my $filehandle = \*STDERR; ## The filehandle to write to my $sections = "NAME|SYNOPSIS|DESCRIPTION"; =head1 NAME hashToGff =head1 SYNOPSIS Converts a multidimensional hash, as produced by, into an array containing one GFF line (with endline "\n" included) per element. B: C<< @outGff = hashToGff() >> =cut sub hashToGff{ my %gffHash=%{$_[0]}; my @outGff=(); foreach my $id (keys %gffHash){ for (my $j=0; $j<=$#{$gffHash{$id}};$j++){ my @outGffLine=(); my @attrs; for (my $i=0; $i<=7; $i++){ #processing the first 8 GFF fields push(@outGffLine, $gffHash{$id}[$j][$i]); } my @sortedKeys=sort keys %{${$gffHash{$id}[$j]}[8]}; my @resortedKeys=(); my @mainKeys=(); # gene_id and transcript_id, to be prepended in that order to @resortedKeys for (my $i=0; $i<=$#sortedKeys; $i++){ if($sortedKeys[$i] eq 'transcript_id'){ push(@mainKeys, $sortedKeys[$i]); } elsif($sortedKeys[$i] eq 'gene_id'){ unshift(@mainKeys, $sortedKeys[$i]) } else{ push(@resortedKeys, $sortedKeys[$i]); } } unshift(@resortedKeys, @mainKeys); foreach my $key (@resortedKeys){ #processing GFF attributes (9th field) push(@attrs, $key." \"${${$gffHash{$id}[$j]}[8]}{$key}\";"); } my $attr=join(" ", @attrs); push(@outGffLine, $attr); push(@outGff, join("\t", @outGffLine)."\n"); } } return @outGff; } 1;