""" https://plot.ly/python/ Plotly's Python API allows users to programmatically access Plotly's server resources. This package is organized as follows: Subpackages: - plotly: all functionality that requires access to Plotly's servers - graph_objs: objects for designing figures and visualizing data - matplotlylib: tools to convert matplotlib figures Modules: - tools: some helpful tools that do not require access to Plotly's servers - utils: functions that you probably won't need, but that subpackages use - version: holds the current API version - exceptions: defines our custom exception classes """ from __future__ import absolute_import import sys from _plotly_utils.importers import relative_import if sys.version_info < (3, 7): from plotly import ( graph_objs, tools, utils, offline, colors, io, data, ) from plotly.version import __version__ __all__ = [ "graph_objs", "tools", "utils", "offline", "colors", "io", "data", "__version__", ] # Set default template (for >= 3.7 this is done in ploty/io/__init__.py) from plotly.io import templates templates._default = "plotly" else: __all__, __getattr__, __dir__ = relative_import( __name__, [ ".graph_objs", ".graph_objects", ".tools", ".utils", ".offline", ".colors", ".io", ".data", ], [".version.__version__"], ) def plot(data_frame, kind, **kwargs): """ Pandas plotting backend function, not meant to be called directly. To activate, set pandas.options.plotting.backend="plotly" See https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/blob/master/pandas/plotting/__init__.py """ from .express import ( scatter, line, area, bar, box, histogram, violin, strip, funnel, density_contour, density_heatmap, imshow, ) if kind == "scatter": new_kwargs = {k: kwargs[k] for k in kwargs if k not in ["s", "c"]} return scatter(data_frame, **new_kwargs) if kind == "line": return line(data_frame, **kwargs) if kind == "area": return area(data_frame, **kwargs) if kind == "bar": return bar(data_frame, **kwargs) if kind == "barh": return bar(data_frame, orientation="h", **kwargs) if kind == "box": new_kwargs = {k: kwargs[k] for k in kwargs if k not in ["by"]} return box(data_frame, **new_kwargs) if kind in ["hist", "histogram"]: new_kwargs = {k: kwargs[k] for k in kwargs if k not in ["by", "bins"]} return histogram(data_frame, **new_kwargs) if kind == "violin": return violin(data_frame, **kwargs) if kind == "strip": return strip(data_frame, **kwargs) if kind == "funnel": return funnel(data_frame, **kwargs) if kind == "density_contour": return density_contour(data_frame, **kwargs) if kind == "density_heatmap": return density_heatmap(data_frame, **kwargs) if kind == "imshow": return imshow(data_frame, **kwargs) if kind == "heatmap": raise ValueError( "kind='heatmap' not supported plotting.backend='plotly'. " "Please use kind='imshow' or kind='density_heatmap'." ) raise NotImplementedError( "kind='%s' not yet supported for plotting.backend='plotly'" % kind ) def boxplot_frame(data_frame, **kwargs): """ Pandas plotting backend function, not meant to be called directly. To activate, set pandas.options.plotting.backend="plotly" See https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/blob/master/pandas/plotting/__init__.py """ from .express import box skip = ["by", "column", "ax", "fontsize", "rot", "grid", "figsize", "layout"] skip += ["return_type"] new_kwargs = {k: kwargs[k] for k in kwargs if k not in skip} return box(data_frame, **new_kwargs) def hist_frame(data_frame, **kwargs): """ Pandas plotting backend function, not meant to be called directly. To activate, set pandas.options.plotting.backend="plotly" See https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/blob/master/pandas/plotting/__init__.py """ from .express import histogram skip = ["column", "by", "grid", "xlabelsize", "xrot", "ylabelsize", "yrot"] skip += ["ax", "sharex", "sharey", "figsize", "layout", "bins", "legend"] new_kwargs = {k: kwargs[k] for k in kwargs if k not in skip} return histogram(data_frame, **new_kwargs) def hist_series(data_frame, **kwargs): """ Pandas plotting backend function, not meant to be called directly. To activate, set pandas.options.plotting.backend="plotly" See https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/blob/master/pandas/plotting/__init__.py """ from .express import histogram skip = ["by", "grid", "xlabelsize", "xrot", "ylabelsize", "yrot", "ax"] skip += ["figsize", "bins", "legend"] new_kwargs = {k: kwargs[k] for k in kwargs if k not in skip} return histogram(data_frame, **new_kwargs)