from __future__ import absolute_import import decimal import six from plotly import exceptions from plotly.colors import ( DEFAULT_PLOTLY_COLORS, PLOTLY_SCALES, color_parser, colorscale_to_colors, colorscale_to_scale, convert_to_RGB_255, find_intermediate_color, hex_to_rgb, label_rgb, n_colors, unconvert_from_RGB_255, unlabel_rgb, validate_colors, validate_colors_dict, validate_colorscale, validate_scale_values, ) try: from import Sequence except ImportError: from collections import Sequence def is_sequence(obj): return isinstance(obj, Sequence) and not isinstance(obj, str) def validate_index(index_vals): """ Validates if a list contains all numbers or all strings :raises: (PlotlyError) If there are any two items in the list whose types differ """ from numbers import Number if isinstance(index_vals[0], Number): if not all(isinstance(item, Number) for item in index_vals): raise exceptions.PlotlyError( "Error in indexing column. " "Make sure all entries of each " "column are all numbers or " "all strings." ) elif isinstance(index_vals[0], str): if not all(isinstance(item, str) for item in index_vals): raise exceptions.PlotlyError( "Error in indexing column. " "Make sure all entries of each " "column are all numbers or " "all strings." ) def validate_dataframe(array): """ Validates all strings or numbers in each dataframe column :raises: (PlotlyError) If there are any two items in any list whose types differ """ from numbers import Number for vector in array: if isinstance(vector[0], Number): if not all(isinstance(item, Number) for item in vector): raise exceptions.PlotlyError( "Error in dataframe. " "Make sure all entries of " "each column are either " "numbers or strings." ) elif isinstance(vector[0], str): if not all(isinstance(item, str) for item in vector): raise exceptions.PlotlyError( "Error in dataframe. " "Make sure all entries of " "each column are either " "numbers or strings." ) def validate_equal_length(*args): """ Validates that data lists or ndarrays are the same length. :raises: (PlotlyError) If any data lists are not the same length. """ length = len(args[0]) if any(len(lst) != length for lst in args): raise exceptions.PlotlyError( "Oops! Your data lists or ndarrays " "should be the same length." ) def validate_positive_scalars(**kwargs): """ Validates that all values given in key/val pairs are positive. Accepts kwargs to improve Exception messages. :raises: (PlotlyError) If any value is < 0 or raises. """ for key, val in kwargs.items(): try: if val <= 0: raise ValueError("{} must be > 0, got {}".format(key, val)) except TypeError: raise exceptions.PlotlyError("{} must be a number, got {}".format(key, val)) def flatten(array): """ Uses list comprehension to flatten array :param (array): An iterable to flatten :raises (PlotlyError): If iterable is not nested. :rtype (list): The flattened list. """ try: return [item for sublist in array for item in sublist] except TypeError: raise exceptions.PlotlyError( "Your data array could not be " "flattened! Make sure your data is " "entered as lists or ndarrays!" ) def endpts_to_intervals(endpts): """ Returns a list of intervals for categorical colormaps Accepts a list or tuple of sequentially increasing numbers and returns a list representation of the mathematical intervals with these numbers as endpoints. For example, [1, 6] returns [[-inf, 1], [1, 6], [6, inf]] :raises: (PlotlyError) If input is not a list or tuple :raises: (PlotlyError) If the input contains a string :raises: (PlotlyError) If any number does not increase after the previous one in the sequence """ length = len(endpts) # Check if endpts is a list or tuple if not (isinstance(endpts, (tuple)) or isinstance(endpts, (list))): raise exceptions.PlotlyError( "The intervals_endpts argument must " "be a list or tuple of a sequence " "of increasing numbers." ) # Check if endpts contains only numbers for item in endpts: if isinstance(item, str): raise exceptions.PlotlyError( "The intervals_endpts argument " "must be a list or tuple of a " "sequence of increasing " "numbers." ) # Check if numbers in endpts are increasing for k in range(length - 1): if endpts[k] >= endpts[k + 1]: raise exceptions.PlotlyError( "The intervals_endpts argument " "must be a list or tuple of a " "sequence of increasing " "numbers." ) else: intervals = [] # add -inf to intervals intervals.append([float("-inf"), endpts[0]]) for k in range(length - 1): interval = [] interval.append(endpts[k]) interval.append(endpts[k + 1]) intervals.append(interval) # add +inf to intervals intervals.append([endpts[length - 1], float("inf")]) return intervals def annotation_dict_for_label( text, lane, num_of_lanes, subplot_spacing, row_col="col", flipped=True, right_side=True, text_color="#0f0f0f", ): """ Returns annotation dict for label of n labels of a 1xn or nx1 subplot. :param (str) text: the text for a label. :param (int) lane: the label number for text. From 1 to n inclusive. :param (int) num_of_lanes: the number 'n' of rows or columns in subplot. :param (float) subplot_spacing: the value for the horizontal_spacing and vertical_spacing params in your call. :param (str) row_col: choose whether labels are placed along rows or columns. :param (bool) flipped: flips text by 90 degrees. Text is printed horizontally if set to True and row_col='row', or if False and row_col='col'. :param (bool) right_side: only applicable if row_col is set to 'row'. :param (str) text_color: color of the text. """ l = (1 - (num_of_lanes - 1) * subplot_spacing) / (num_of_lanes) if not flipped: xanchor = "center" yanchor = "middle" if row_col == "col": x = (lane - 1) * (l + subplot_spacing) + 0.5 * l y = 1.03 textangle = 0 elif row_col == "row": y = (lane - 1) * (l + subplot_spacing) + 0.5 * l x = 1.03 textangle = 90 else: if row_col == "col": xanchor = "center" yanchor = "bottom" x = (lane - 1) * (l + subplot_spacing) + 0.5 * l y = 1.0 textangle = 270 elif row_col == "row": yanchor = "middle" y = (lane - 1) * (l + subplot_spacing) + 0.5 * l if right_side: x = 1.0 xanchor = "left" else: x = -0.01 xanchor = "right" textangle = 0 annotation_dict = dict( textangle=textangle, xanchor=xanchor, yanchor=yanchor, x=x, y=y, showarrow=False, xref="paper", yref="paper", text=text, font=dict(size=13, color=text_color), ) return annotation_dict def list_of_options(iterable, conj="and", period=True): """ Returns an English listing of objects seperated by commas ',' For example, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] becomes 'foo, bar and baz' if the conjunction 'and' is selected. """ if len(iterable) < 2: raise exceptions.PlotlyError( "Your list or tuple must contain at least 2 items." ) template = (len(iterable) - 2) * "{}, " + "{} " + conj + " {}" + period * "." return template.format(*iterable)