Flowcell AC48V7ACXX Run Start 2014-07-04 Read Length 50 paired end HiSeq Sequencing Kit Trueseq v3 Sequencer Software HiSeq Control Software 2.0 Gerald version 1.8 Alignment Report: Legend: Total - total reads considered ( random 10% of total reads sequenced ) Total Unique - total reads aligning to only a single location in the reference U0 - # of unique hits with 0 mismatches U1 - # of unique hits with 1 mismatches U2 - # of unique hits with 2 mismatches R012 - # of hits aligning to multiple location in the reference with 0,1 or 2 mismatches NM - # of reads without a match to the reference Mapping Algorithm : GEM allowing up to 2 mismatches Lane 1 Read 1 Sample: ATAC lib B Index: TAAGGCG Lab ID: 7339 Application: ATACseq Reference: M.musculus (mm10) Total 4140147 Total Unique 2860754 69.1% U0 2593471 62.6% U1 202719 4.9% U2 64564 1.6% R012 783906 18.9% NM 407287 9.8% ------------------------------------------------ Lane 1 Read 2 Sample: ATAC lib B Index: TAAGGCG Lab ID: 7339 Application: ATACseq Reference: M.musculus (mm10) Total 4140147 Total Unique 2801787 67.7% U0 2447858 59.1% U1 266725 6.4% U2 87204 2.1% R012 769268 18.6% NM 416792 10.1% ------------------------------------------------ Lane 1 Read 1 Sample: ATAC lib 18 Index: CGTACTA Lab ID: 7340 Application: ATACseq Reference: M.musculus (mm10) Total 4397868 Total Unique 2977362 67.7% U0 2663941 60.6% U1 230188 5.2% U2 83233 1.9% R012 662485 15.1% NM 662667 15.1% ------------------------------------------------ Lane 1 Read 2 Sample: ATAC lib 18 Index: CGTACTA Lab ID: 7340 Application: ATACseq Reference: M.musculus (mm10) Total 4397868 Total Unique 2905710 66.1% U0 2493365 56.7% U1 303373 6.9% U2 108972 2.5% R012 648274 14.7% NM 668776 15.2% ------------------------------------------------ Lane 1 Read 1 Sample: ATAC lib d1 Index: AGGCAGA Lab ID: 7341 Application: ATACseq Reference: M.musculus (mm10) Total 4171599 Total Unique 2969352 71.2% U0 2677379 64.2% U1 218484 5.2% U2 73489 1.8% R012 572633 13.7% NM 547330 13.1% ------------------------------------------------ Lane 1 Read 2 Sample: ATAC lib d1 Index: AGGCAGA Lab ID: 7341 Application: ATACseq Reference: M.musculus (mm10) Total 4171599 Total Unique 2893037 69.4% U0 2491705 59.7% U1 299403 7.2% U2 101929 2.4% R012 556272 13.3% NM 552354 13.2% ------------------------------------------------ Lane 1 Read 1 Sample: ATAC lib d2 Index: TCCTGAG Lab ID: 7342 Application: ATACseq Reference: M.musculus (mm10) Total 4231775 Total Unique 2922205 69.1% U0 2679642 63.3% U1 189715 4.5% U2 52848 1.2% R012 895221 21.2% NM 336818 8.0% ------------------------------------------------ Lane 1 Read 2 Sample: ATAC lib d2 Index: TCCTGAG Lab ID: 7342 Application: ATACseq Reference: M.musculus (mm10) Total 4231775 Total Unique 2858251 67.5% U0 2518011 59.5% U1 261721 6.2% U2 78519 1.9% R012 875625 20.7% NM 345834 8.2% ------------------------------------------------ Lane 1 Read 1 Sample: ATAC Lib E14 Index: GGACTCC Lab ID: 7592 Application: ATACseq Reference: M.musculus (mm10) Total 2126967 Total Unique 1337981 62.9% U0 1203730 56.6% U1 102808 4.8% U2 31443 1.5% R012 569806 26.8% NM 173982 8.2% ------------------------------------------------ Lane 1 Read 2 Sample: ATAC Lib E14 Index: GGACTCC Lab ID: 7592 Application: ATACseq Reference: M.musculus (mm10) Total 2126967 Total Unique 1308846 61.5% U0 1133785 53.3% U1 132881 6.2% U2 42180 2.0% R012 558334 26.3% NM 178318 8.4% ------------------------------------------------